Iphone Ipad Hacks

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

[Crack] Folder Enhancer 1.6.0-1 By iBravesolution


Update : Version 1.6.0-1 released ! Crack is out !! 
          MOD: Localization
          Improved support for localizing FolderEnhancer's settings panel.
          Changes to default English strings will no longer affect third-party translations.
          See English localization for reference: /Library/PreferenceBundles/ FolderEnhancer.bundle/en.lproj/ *.strings

          FIX: iOS 5
          Opening a folder from the Spotlight screen caused the following:
          Switcher would no longer appear.
          Pressing the Home button to show Spotlight would instead open the folder.

          FIX: iOS 5
          Changing folder settings while a folder was open would lead to home screen icons being shown on top of folders.

          FIX: Newsstand
          Opening Newsstand (from the dock) while another folder was already open would lead to a crash.

          Download 1.6.0-1 Cracked : Official
          Dependencies : Official

          Enhance iOS 5's native folders!

          iOS 4 brought with it the ability to put apps and bookmarks into folders. Unfortunately, the implementation is quite limited.

          FolderEnhancer takes this feature and improves upon it, making it a viable solution for organizing and accessing your apps.


          o Open folders faster.
          o Add up to 320 icons to a folder (20 pages, 16 per page).
          o Create folders inside of folders.
          o Create folders on the dock.
          o Supports Iconoclasm for custom layouts inside of folders.
          o Extends MultiIconMover to allow moving multiple icons into/out of folders.
          o Options include hiding the folder name and wallpaper, as well as disabling animations.

          FolderEnhancer intregrates with and works as a part of the home screen application (SpringBoard).
          Creating and opening folders is done as normal.
          Closing a folder can be done by either tapping on an empty part of the folder, or by swiping downward.
          To remove an icon from a folder, drag the icon over the dock area and either wait for the current folder to close, or drop the icon to remove it from all folders.
          Note that icons can not be directly moved between folders and the dock, as this would interfere with moving icons to parent folders. Grabbing a dock icon while a folder is open will cause the folder to close.


          Folder Name
          (Default: On)

          Off: The name of the folder will be hidden.
          On: The name of the folder will be displayed above the icons in the open folder.

          Folder Wallpaper
          (Default: On)

          Off: The background of the folder will be transparent, and the SpringBoard wallpaper will be visible.
          On: An image file will be used for the background of the folder.

          For information on replacing this image file, please see the FAQ.

          Animate Open/Close
          (Default: On)

          Off: When opening or closing a folder, the folder will appear without animating.
          On: When opening or closing a folder, the folder will zoom in or out.

          Clipping Window
          (Default: On)

          For the default background image, a clipping window is used to make it appear that the icons stay inside the rounded frame.

          Whether or not one would want this enabled for a custom wallpaper image depends on the design of the image.

          Off: Icons will remain visible up to the edge of the screen.
          On: Icons will begin to disappear several pixels before reaching the left or right edge of the screen.

          Note that this option has no effect when "Folder Wallpaper" is "Off".

          Known Issue's


          Because iTunes is not designed to handle subfolders or folders with more than 12 icons, it is not possible to use iTunes' icon layout feature.

          FolderEnhancer uses IconSupport to prevent any errors with iTunes. Any attempt to change layout via iTunes will safely be ignored.

          For rearranging icons rapidly, the developer recommends using the MultiIconMover extension.


          Can I use my own folder wallpaper image?

          Yes. The image file is located at:


          (Use FEFolderBG@2x.png for devices with retina displays).

          Overwriting this file is not recommended, though, as it will be replaced with each FolderEnhancer upgrade.

          Instead, the recommended method is to use WinterBoard (by Jay Freeman, available for free via Cydia).

          The WinterBoard path to use is:


          Where is feature X from CategoriesSB?

          While FolderEnhancer is designed after CategoriesSB, it does not have all the same options.

          One reason for this is that some of the options are either already built into iOS 4 (badges), or are always on (tap/swipe to close).

          Another reason is that some options are not feasible with FolderEnhancer or iOS 4. One such option is the ability to hide the dock; if the dock were hidden, it would not be possible to drag icons out of a folder.

          How to Fix Folder Enhancer “Piracy Hurt” Error

          Some of you may get the below error while using “unauthorized” Folder Enhancer version 1.1.1-1, it’s because your evaluation period has expired, and you got to purchase it due to the effort of the developer. However, if you wish to continue to “evaluate” this fantastic software, you got to do something to remove the error. In this tutorial, i will guide you how to remove the “Piracy Hurt” error for your Folder Enhancer on your iPhone 4/3GS/3G.
          1. Uninstalled the app in Cydia, go to Manage – Packages – FolderEnhancer – Modify – Remove
          2. Launch your i-Funbox ( other SSH tools are working too )
          3. Deleted /var/mobile/Library/Preferences/jp.ashikase.folderenhancer.plist
          4. Download latest version of FolderEnhancer .deb file from here
          5. Put the .deb into the cydia  /var/root/Media/Cydia/AutoInstall/
          6. Respring or Reboot your iPhone


          Notes :

          Previous Version 
 : Official 
          1.5.5-1 : Official 
          1.5.4-1 : Official 
          1.5.3-1 : Official 
          1.4.5-1 : Official 
          1.4.4-1-1 : Official 
          1.4.3-1 : Official or Official 
          1.4.2-1 : Official 
          1.4.1-1 : Official 
 : Official 
 : Official 
 : Official 
          1.3.3-1 : Official 
          1.3.2-1 : Official 
          1.3.1-1 : Official 
          1.3.0-1 : Official 
          1.2.1-1 : Official 
          1.1.5-1 : Official 
          1.1.4-1 : Official 
          1.1.3-1 : Official 
          1.1.2-1 : Official 
          1.1.1-1 : Official 
          1.1.0-1 : Official 
          1.0.5-1 : Official 
          1.0.4-1 : Official 
          1.0.3-1 : Official 
          1.0.3 : Official 

                                              Put our scourse  if you wana download from iphone


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